Curling Glossary 

  • “Stone” - The objects that are slid in the game. Also known as a “rock.” 
  • “Sheet” - The playing area or “ice” where the stones are slid. 
  • “End” - Similar to an inning in baseball. One end is complete when all 8 stones have been played.    


  • Don’t walk on the ice (it’s slippery!). 
  • All stones must be slid and retrieved from off the ice. 
  • Use brooms to collect stones after each end is complete. Do not pickup or carry stones. 


  • Teams of 1-8 players. 
    • For Groups of 2-4 players, all players start on the same side of the sheet. 
    • For groups of 5-8 players, half of each team starts on each side of the sheet (e.g. A group of 8 guests would have 2 teams of 4 - with 2 members of each team on each side of the sheet) 
  • Each team gets four stones. 
  • Each team slides their stones from the same side of the curling sheet. 


  • Teams alternate taking turns sliding one of their stones towards the target area (called the “house”) 
    • For larger groups (5-8 players) only the team members on one side of the sheet play per end. The other members of the team play the next end. See “Changing Sides” below. 
  • Stones should be delivered with a smooth release. No pushing or throwing stones. Slide the stone straight or give it a spin for a curve - which is called a "curl." 
  • Teams do not sweep in front of stones in this version of curling. No brooms allowed during play - they are to be used only for retrieving stones. 


  • If a stone touches the back wall of the sheet, it is “dead” and should be removed from play. 
  • Stones are allowed to touch and bounce off the side walls of the sheet. 
  • If a stone goes off the ice, it is out of play; no re-dos. 


  • After all stones are thrown (called an “end”), tally up the points. 
  • Only one team scores during each end. 
  • The stone closest to the center dot of the target (called the "button") scores 1 point. 
  • The team scores 1 additional point for each stone closer to the button than the other team's nearest stone. 
  • Update the scoreboard after each end. 

Changing Sides - Groups Up to 4 People 

  • After each end, teams collect the stones and move to the opposite side. 
  • They play the next end aiming for the house on the opposite end of the rink (the side they were previously playing from).  
  • The team who won the previous end goes first on the next end. 
  • Teams continue to change sides after each end. 

Changing Sides - Groups 5 to 8 People 

  • After each end, the teams on the side opposite the teams that were just playing collects the stones. 
  • The teams that collected the stones then play the next end aiming for the house on the opposite end of the rink. Players do not move from their sides of the sheet. 
  • The team who won the previous end goes first on the next end. 
  • Play alternates from side to side each end. 


  • Teams play 8 ends and the team with the most points after the last end wins. 
  • In the case of tie after 8 ends, teams play one tie-breaking end.